Ychallenge 2011 is the NEXT STEP from Ysummit 2010, towards the realization of Yplatform. CLICK HERE to visit Ychallenge 2011 website now!

Welcome to Ysummit 2010

Ysummit connects Vietnamese students and professionals in a discussion on how youths can be more involved in Vietnam’s development. It serves to inaugurate a platform (Yplatform) for Vietnamese youths to exchange ideas and explore practical opportunities to translate their talents into meaningful impacts for Vietnam.

The theme for the conference is “Discover Opportunities to Groom Your Talents for Vietnam”. A total of 150 spots will be reserved for audience members. Thanks to the generous support of our partners and sponsors to make this non-profit initiative possible.

Ysummit 2010

Connect. Empower. Inspire

Date & Time: November 14th (Sunday), 9:00 – 17:00.

Venue: Hon Sui Sen Auditorium, NUS Business School. (How to get there?)

Language: Vietnamese & English

Program | Speakers

Thank you all for coming down to the summit. It was a great day to all of us! Do enjoy the pictures. We’re processing the videos.

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